To add a new payment method, please log onto your mbg account by clicking here. If you are unable to log in or do not receive a password reset email, you must click "Sign Up" on the left and create an account.
Once you are logged into your account, click on "Subscriptions" and then click "edit" next to Billing. This will take you to the screen below:
To switch to an existing payment method, click on the desired payment method and then click "Set as primary payment method."
To add an entirely new credit card or payment method, click "Add new payment method" at the bottom. Enter the required information and you're all set!
Please contact mindbodygreen Customer Service via email at or via phone at 1-877-624-9355 if you need assistance.
Learn more about how to manage your account information here. If you do not have an account, you can create one here.
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